Military grade technology is NOW made available to the public. To help you protect yourself, and your community. Introducing 4-layer reusable mask-with activated carbon adhered layer, comfort fabric, hypoallergenic materials and adjustable head band.
International agencies like W.H.O, C.D.C, N.H.S and ICMR in India recommend wearing cloth face masks in all public spaces, where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. More and more countries are enforcing the use of masks in the wake of global pandemic.And we may have to accept it as a part of life, post pandemic also.
Our expertise in NBC protection can be traced back to our firm grip in the filtration, majorly in the medium of Activated Carbon.We have been innovating a lot in the premises of filtration technology using activated carbon as medium, and have developed uniquely formulated brands in Activated Carbon Spheres(ACS).
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